Saturday, November 30, 2019

Physical Bullying Involve free essay sample

What can we do as a society to prevent bullying? Bullying is a widespread issue all over the United States that effects children, teens, and even adults. Bullying is very harmful to a person physically, mentally, and especially emotionally. Unfortunately, theres only so much we can do ourselves, to keep bullying from happening. The laws against bullying are thin and only go so far, which means only stopping so much of bullying. There are three types of bullying that all produce negative effects, short term and long term. These types of bullying are verbal, physical, and cyber bullying. Verbal and physical bullying involve saying mean things to the victim and personally putting a hand on them. Cyber bullying is different, this type of bullying is over the internet where the victim cannot see their bully. Surprisingly, cyberbullying is known to be the worst type of bullying. To prevent bullying as a whole, such actions need to be taken; stricter consequences, better policies, supervision, family education, and communication are necessary. We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Bullying Involve or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is stated that in the USA, 1 out of every 7 students from grade k-12 has been a bully or has been bulled. Bullying is an ongoing problem and needs to be stopped as much as possible. More than 56% of students said that they have witnessed bullying. Shockingly, around 282,000 students become victimized of bullying each month. 90% of these victims have admitted that they have suffered negative side effects. Bullying at a young age has shown to be harmful, producing a major drop in grades, an increase of anxiety, and a loss of the victim’s social life. Even worse effects include self-harm and suicide. Studies show that at least 50% of adolescent suicides are related to bullying. An article on bullyingfacts. info called Alarming bullying statistics in the USA explains that the more alarming part of the recent bullying statistics is the growth of school bullying. This article also states that 77% of students are being bullied, and 23% of students who are in grade nine already carry a gun. Children shouldnt have to stress themselves in school worrying about being bothered by other children, while trying to focus on academics. Cyberbullying is said to be the newest form of bullying, and the victim is always left embarrassed or hurt by the harmful messages. In this bullying facts article, it states that 50% of teen have already been victims of cyberbullying and sadly only 1 in 10 teens report it to their parents. Cyberbullying is so hard to stop because it is easy to disguise yourself online, and most cases aren’t reported. Cyberbullying has recently been popular for causing teen suicides. How is bullying permanently harmful? Not only is bullying harmful to a person mentally, emotionally, and physically, but the effects of bullying can follow a person for the rest of their life. A recently new study shows that serious illnesses, poor social relationships, and struggling to hold down a job often spring from the effects of being bullied in the past. This study was published in the Psychological Science journal of the Association for Psychological Science, and Scientists Dieter Wolke of the University of Warwick and William E. Copeland of Duke University Medical Center conducted this research. Dr. Wolke claimed that â€Å"We cannot continue to dismiss bullying as a harmless, almost inevitable, part of growing up, we need to change this mindset and acknowledge this as a serious problem for both the individual and the country as a whole; the effects are long-lasting and significant. †, explaining that if bullying is not prevented the victims whole lives can be affected. It is shown that bully victims are 6 times more likely to develop a smoking habit, become diagnosed with a serious illness, and get diagnosed with a psychiatric problem compared to a person not exposed to bullying. Bully victims are also more likely to develop emotional issues, especially dealing with trust and vulnerability. Children don’t easily outgrow the effects of bullying, and therefore that weighs on the adults mental health later on in life. Another study, presented in 2010 at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, found that bullies were at higher risk of substance abuse, depression, anxiety and hostility than non-bullies. Thus explaining that the bad behavior of the bully evolves and gets worse. Not only do we need to stop bullying to save the victims, but to save the bullies and anyone else involved in bullying too. What can we do to stop and prevent bullying from happening in the future? It’s evident that bullying still blatantly exists and is steady growing, especially in schools. A series of actions need to be taken in order to lower the bullying rate and prevent bullying altogether. School policies often enforce rules forbidding bullying, but often aren’t followed when a bullying incident occurs. Principals, administrators, and teachers need to strictly enforce the rules stated in the no bullying policy to make sure the students in school abide by these rules and stop bullying. Mission statements, a code of conduct, rules, and a bullying reporting system has said to be needed to help the prevention for bullying. They all establish an environment where this act is not acceptable. Supervision is also very valuable to stopping bullying. Many teachers or administrators don’t take the time out to actually observe the students interactions with one another which gives the children the freedom to bully one another. Being more observant in an environment where children and adolescence makes it easier to catch bullying and stop it. Engaging families and the communities can help prevent bullying by working together to send a unified message against bullying. Establishing a school safety committee is also important. Communication is always key, therefore it is always very important to talk to someone about bullying. Bullying cases should always be reported to teachers, administrators, and especially parents. To widely prevent bullying, spreading the word is key, talking to children and adolescence about bullying can help them better understand the concept and know what to do when they witness it or become victimized by bullying. Children often seek advice from elders so it is important that we keep that line of communication open. From about 2nd grade to my 9th grade of high school I was a victim of bullying myself. Still to this day I from the way bullying has affected me mentally and emotionally. Depression, insecurities, and difficulties in my social relationships are only a few of the effects that I experienced from bullying. Bullying may not seem like a big deal but its harmful and should be tackled before more innocent children and adolescence and victimized and traumatized. Taking action against bullying is a big step in order to stop this country wide issue. Creating rules, better supervision, educating the community, and communication are all things we can do as a community to start the prevention of bullying. No child should ever have to experience this painful, scarring experience. It’s time to make this the beginning of the end of bullying, let’s make a difference.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How Many Students Prep for the ACT

How Many Students Prep for the ACT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re currently preparing for the ACT, you might be wondering how many other students are in the same boat. As you may have expected, you’re not alone - there are a lot of students out there who are trying to prepare for the ACT. In this post, I’ll go over exactly how many students take the ACT, before talking about the different methods of prep that these students use. How Many Students Take the ACT? The ACT is a very popular test with high school students. Over the past few years, it’s grown even more popular than the seemingly ubiquitous SAT. In 2015, more than 1.92 million students took the ACT, compared to about 1.7 million students who took the SAT. In total, about 59% of graduating seniors took the ACT this past year. The average score for these 1.92 million students? A composite score of 20. How Do Students Prepare for the ACT? Unfortunately, there aren’t any exit poll results available that illuminate how, exactly, students prepare for the test. We do know that there are a few different strategies students take in order to study for the ACT. Here, I'll go overthe major types of ACT prep that students use before talking a bit about their pros and cons. Independent Study Some students may prepare for the ACT independently if they don't have a lot of financial resources available to pay for more expensive methods. Independent study may also be effective for studentswho prefer working alone or who are self-motivated and disciplined. If you are up to the challenge of tackling ACT prep on your own, there are a lot of resources out there for you. There are a couple of key goals you should keep in mind. First, stick to a schedule. If you’re not accountable to anyone but yourself, it’s easy to fall behind in your work. No matter how good your intentions are when you start, you won’t prep to the best of your ability if you don’t give yourself enough time to prepare. For more info on setting a study timeline, read our 6-step guide to figuring out how long you should study for the ACT. Second, use the right materials. One of the hardest parts of studying effectively on your own is sifting through materials to figure out what’s useful and what isn’t. If you spend all of your energy preparing for the ACT, but you use materials that don’t help you learn to do well on the test, you’re unfortunately wasting your time. Start by checking out these top 10 recommended test books and complete official ACT practice tests. Private Tutor You might seek out a private tutor if you have large gaps in knowledge ortrouble with importanttest concepts. Independent tutors can give personalized, customized instruction on difficult ACT concepts and strategies. Meeting with a tutor can also help keep you on track as you prepare. Tutors can also be pretty expensive, and it’s hard to know ahead of time how effective they’ll be. I’d encourage you to read this guide to figure out whether it would be better to get a tutor or work independently. If you’ve pretty much decided on getting a tutor, learn more about how much they cost and what they actually do to help you prepare. Tutoring: very effective at its best, a waste of resources at its worst. In-Person ACT Prep Course In-person prep courses have set curriculums that help keep you accountable when it comes to sticking to a study plan. These may be good options for students who are pretty unfamiliar with the ACT and need a crash course to get familiar with the test. There are a few drawbacks to in-person courses, however. First, they're not customized to each student - you might be using your time inefficiently by reviewing things you don’t need to review, or not spending enough time on concepts you need more help with. Second, they focus more on test familiarity and strategy than on content, which is a drawback if you have weak content areas. Finally, they can be very expensive (depending, of course, on the program that you select). Online ACT Prep Course Students who want the flexible benefits of working independently + the added support of a study regimen may find what they're looking for with an online ACT prep course. There are a lot of different online prep options out there, all with different approaches, strengths, and weaknesses. In general, though, online courses have several things in common with each other: they make iteasier to set a study plan and stay on track, and theyprovide study contentwhich means you don’t have to dig around for it yourself. Ultimately, online courses will vary widely when it comes to quality and cost. It’s easy to make the same mistakes with these online prep courses that you may make with independent study - mainly, using ineffective materials or studying inefficiently. A good online course often comes with the benefits of independent work + in-person courses. What's the Best Way to Prepare for the ACT? This is the million dollar question, right? What’s the best way to make sure that you do as well as possible on the ACT? As you may have guessed after reading through the last section of this article, the answer will really depend on your own strengths, weaknesses, and goals. The most effective way to find a great ACT prep method may take some trial and error, but here are some starting points to get you on the right track: If you’re very self-motivated, generally pretty good at sticking to a schedule, and prefer working alone, independent study may be a good fit for you. If you perform better when you work one-on-one with an instructor, or you’re pretty frustrated with some core content and/or strategy areas, a private tutor might serve you well. If you’re looking for a true crash course on the ACT and like the idea of regular class meeting times, you might want to check out an in-person ACT prep course. If you need a little push to stick to a study plan, prefer flexibility in your prep work, and don’t want the hassle of finding your own prep materials, you should look into an online ACT prep course. The good news is that you can mix and match the above strategies to fit your specific needs. Maybe you want a short in-person crash course on the ACT before settling into independent study or an online prep course. Perhaps you supplement your primary study method with a few hours of work with a private tutor, just to get instruction on a difficult topic. Ultimately, there’s no one â€Å"best† method when it comes to preparing for the ACT - there’s only the method that’s best for you. Keep in mind that the best method might be a combination of some of the strategies listed above! To get more detailed infoon the pros and cons of different study methods, you should definitely check out our guide on the secret truths of ACT prep strategies. What's Next? Preparing for the ACT tends to be most effective when you give yourself plenty of time before the test, but perhaps you're working on a slightly tighter timeline. Not to worry - you can still get some good prep in! Check out these last-minute ACT prep programs, last-minute ACT tips, and last-minute ACT strategy guides. Maybe you have tons of time to prepare and want to get your score as high as possible. If this is the case, read our guide on how to get a perfect ACT score. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Francesca Fulciniti About the Author Francesca graduated magna cum laude from Harvard and scored in the 99th percentile on the SATs. She's worked with many students on SAT prep and college counseling, and loves helping students capitalize on their strengths. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Friday, November 22, 2019

A Summary of Durkheims Division of Labor in Society

A Summary of Durkheim's 'Division of Labor in Society' French philosopher Emile Durkheims book The Division of Labor in Society (or De la Division du Travail Social) debuted in 1893. It was Durkheim’s first major published work, and it is the one in which he introduced the concept of anomie or the breakdown of the influence of social norms on individuals within a society. At the time, The Division of Labor in Society was influential in advancing sociological theories and thought. The Division of Labors Major Themes In the book, Durkheim discusses how the division of labor- the establishment of specified jobs for specific people- benefits society because it increases the reproductive capacity of a process and the skill set of the workmen. It also creates a feeling of solidarity among people who share those jobs. But, Durkheim says, the division of labor goes beyond economic interests: In the process, it also establishes social and moral order within a society. The division of labor can be effectuated only among members of an already constituted society, he argues. To Durkheim, the division of labor is in direct proportion to the moral density of a society. Density can happen in three ways: through an increase of the spatial concentration of people, through the growth of towns, or through an increase in the number and efficacy of the means of communication. When one or more of these things happen, says Durkheim, labor begins to become divided, and jobs become more specialized. At the same time, because tasks grow more complex, the struggle for meaningful existence becomes more strenuous. A major theme of the book is the difference between developing and advanced civilizations and how they perceive social solidarity. Another focus is how each type of society defines the role of law in resolving breaches in that social solidarity. Social Solidarity Durkheim argues that two kinds of social solidarity exist: mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. Mechanical solidarity connects the individual to society without any intermediary. That is, society is organized collectively and all members of the group share the same set of tasks and core beliefs. What binds the individual to society is what Durkheim calls the collective consciousness, sometimes translated as conscience collective, meaning a shared belief system. With organic solidarity, on the other hand, society is more complex, a system of different functions united by definite relationships. Each individual must have a distinct job or task and a personality that is his own. Here, Durkheim was speaking specifically about men. Of women, the philosopher said: Today, among cultivated people, the woman leads a completely different existence from that of man. One might say that the two great functions of the psychic life are thus dissociated, that one of the sexes takes care of the effective functions and the other of intellectual functions. Framing individuals as men, Durkheim argued that individuality grows as parts of society grow more complex. Thus, society becomes more efficient at moving in sync, yet at the same time, each of its parts has more movements that are distinctly individual. According to Durkheim, the more primitive a society is, the more it is characterized by mechanical solidarity. The members of an agrarian society, for example, are more likely to resemble each other and share the same beliefs and morals. As societies become more advanced and civilized, the individual members of those societies become more distinguishable from one another. People are managers or laborers, philosophers or farmers. Solidarity becomes more organic as those societies develop their divisions of labor. The Role of Law Durkheim also discusses law extensively in this book. For him, the laws of a society are the most visible symbol of social solidarity and the organization of social life in its most precise and stable form. Law plays a part in a society that is analogous to the nervous system in organisms, according to Durkheim. The nervous system regulates various bodily functions so they work together in harmony. Likewise, the legal system regulates all the parts of society so that they work together in agreement. Two types of law are present in human societies and each corresponds to the type of social solidarity those societies use. Repressive law corresponds to the center of common consciousness and everyone participates in judging and punishing the perpetrator. The severity of a crime is not measured necessarily as the damage incurred to an individual victim, but rather gauged as the damage it caused the society or the social order as a whole. Punishments for crimes against the collective are typically harsh. Repressive law, says Durkheim, is practiced in mechanical forms of society. Restitutive Law as Restoration The second type of law is restitutive law, which instead focuses on the victim since there are no commonly shared beliefs about what damages society. Restitutive law corresponds to the organic state of society and works through the more specialized bodies of society, such as the courts and lawyers. This also means that repressive law and restitutory law vary directly with the degree of a society’s development. Durkheim believed that repressive law is common in primitive, or mechanical, societies where sanctions for crimes are typically made and agreed upon by the whole community. In these lower societies, crimes against the individual do occur, but in terms of seriousness, those are placed on the lower end of the penal ladder. Crimes against the community take priority in such societies, according to Durkheim, because the evolution of the collective conscious is widespread and strong while the division of labor has not yet happened. The more a society becomes civilized and the division of labor is introduced, the more restitutory law takes place. Historical Context Durkheim wrote his book at the height of the industrial age. Then, how people fit into Frances new social order surfaced as a principal source of trouble for the rapidly industrial society. The pre-industrial social groups comprised family and neighbors, but as the Industrial Revolution continued, people found new cohorts at their jobs, creating new social groups with coworkers. Dividing society into small labor-defined groups, says Durkheim, required an increasingly centralized authority to regulate relations between the different groups. As a visible extension of that state, law codes needed to evolve as well, to maintain the orderly operation of social relations by conciliation and civil law rather than by penal sanctions. Durkheim based his discussion of organic solidarity on a dispute he had with Herbert Spencer, who claimed that industrial solidarity is spontaneous and that there is no need for a coercive body to create or maintain it. Spencer believed that social harmony is simply established by itself, an idea with which Durkheim disagreed. Much of this book, then, involves Durkheim arguing with Spencer’s stance and pleading his own views on the topic. Criticism Durkheims primary objective was to evaluate the social changes related to industrialization and to better understand its ills. But British legal philosopher Michael Clarke argues that Durkheim fell short by lumping a variety of societies into two groups: industrialized and non-industrialized. Durkheim didnt see or acknowledge the wide range of non-industrialized societies, instead imagining industrialization as the historical watershed that separated goats from sheep. American scholar Eliot Freidson pointed out that theories about industrialization tend to define labor in terms of the material world of technology and production. Freidson says that such divisions are created by an administrative authority without consideration of the social interaction of its participants. American sociologist Robert Merton noted that as a positivist, Durkheim adopted the methods and criteria of the physical sciences to examine the social laws that arose during industrialization. But physical sciences, rooted in nature, simply cant explain the laws that have arisen from mechanization. The Division of Labor also has a gender problem, according to American sociologist Jennifer Lehman. She argued that Durkheims book contains sexist contradictions. Durkheim conceptualizes individuals as men but women as separate and non-social beings. By using this framework, the philosopher entirely missed out on the role of women have played in both industrial and pre-industrial societies. Sources Clarke, Michael. Durkheims Sociology of Law. British Journal of Law and Society 3.2 (1976): 246–55. Print.Durkheim, Emile. On the Division of Labor in Society. Trans. Simpson, George. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1933. Print.Freidson, Eliot. The Division of Labor as Social Interaction. Social Problems 23.3 (1976): 304–13. Print.Gehlke, C. E. Rev. . Columbia Law Review 35.4 (1935): 643–44. Print.of On the Division of Labor in Society, Emile Durkheim, George SimpsonJones, Robert Alun. Ambivalent Cartesians: Durkheim, Montesquieu, and Method. American Journal of Sociology 100.1 (1994): 1–39. Print.Kemper, Theodore D. The Division of Labor: A Post–Durkheimian Analytical View. American Sociological Review 37.6 (1972): 739–53. Print.Lehmann, Jennifer M. Durkheims Theories of Deviance and Suicide: A Feminist Reconsideration. American Journal of Sociology 100.4 (1995): 904–30. Print.Merton, Robert K. Durkheims Division of Labor in Society. American Journal of Sociology 40.3 (1934): 319–28. Print.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Webquest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Webquest - Essay Example Other components that can enhance but are not essential to the WebQuest, according to Dodge, are making the WebQuest either single discipline-focused or multiple-disciplines-focused; incorporating elements to motivate participants; and the incorporation of group activities (Dodge). Question 2: Looking at actual WebQuests, it is clear that the outline provided by Dodge has been useful in defining the parameters of such exercises, and from their widespread adoption it can be said to that the format of the WebQuest had been instrumental in its efficacy as a teaching and learning protocol/strategy/program/plan. There is a high level of uniformity in the adoption of the critical elements in many of the WebQuests that I encountered for this exercise, with the exception of a few that also incorporated Teacher Advice and Credits sections on top of the key elements of the Introduction, Tasks, Process, Evaluation, and Conclusion. The Teacher Advice section seems to be helpful in theory, as far as providing additional, but important notes that Teachers can refer to when making use of the WebQuest, to enhance learning outcomes )(Dodge; Rogers; Creech; Smith-Rios). a. The WebQuest focuses on the use of the Web to find out differing versions of Cinderella in different parts of the world, designed to develop critical and analytical skills among students as they navigate through the process and prescribed references/steps. The WebQuest states that this is appropriate for a Language Arts class in Sixth Grade (Rogers) b. The students were made to go through several sources to help them develop an understanding of how to research and compare varying versions of the Cinderella story. The directions are clear and well-laid out, and further substantiated by the requirements in the Evaluation Crtieria (Rogers) c. The color scheme invokes

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Final exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Final exam - Essay Example Some Western scholars such as Gilles Kepel and Samuel Huntington believe that Islam is on a collision course with the West the West and is inherently inimical to the modern age we live in. Scholars both Muslims and non- Muslims disagree with this notion and argue that Islamic societies just like other world cultures are influenced by traditional religions, and are therefore reacting to the global transformation that is taking place. Some of these scholars with opposing views include John Esposito, Seyyed Nasr, and Noorani among others. They further argue that the reaction is often as a result of mixture of social tensions, denials, and anger. Moreover, they argue that, Islam, just like other major religions such as Hinduism, Judaism, or Christianity, has been adopted for many causes, from modernism to traditionalism, liberalism to conservatism, which may have nothing to do with its original transcendent message of unity and equality before God. Muslims continue to increase in number and the role of Islam in global affairs is very significant to be ignored. Friction seems to be evident between Islam and the West and also with modern age (Seyyed 1). Therefore, in order to have a deeper understanding of these issues, this discussion will respond to the following questions: At this critical period in the Islamic history what issues should be explored or followed by the Muslim societies to bring programmatic changes? Explain in your own perspective of whether the Islamic world is at the surge of clashes with the West or otherwise. What issues should be explored or followed by the Muslim societies to bring programmatic changes at this critical period in the Islamic history? The history and the role of Islam in the world are undoubtedly significant. It has played major role in civilization and in developing the important tenet of religion in the world being one of the world’s major religions. Islam shaped the world history in a greater

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Assignment on Cell Phone Essay Example for Free

Assignment on Cell Phone Essay â€Å"Watson, come here: I want you.† This was the first message ever transmitted from one place to another, through a device called Telephone. Alexander Graham bell the American genius along with his assistant Thomas Watson invented this machine in 1876. It was March 10, 1876, an important day for the human civilization when this great machine was invented and it was the first step towards developing the means of communication. Since then we have come across a long way. Various means were added to the means of communication. Today, telephone is a part of our everyday life. Besides telephone, mobile phones are playing a great role to communicate massages from one place to another. It has become an integral part of life in all over the world. Today, telecommunication is one the major part of life. Nowadays, phone is not only using for making calls, among many other functions it’s used for text messaging, multimedia messaging and also even to connect us to the internet. Due to its various functionality it has a greater impact not only in the economy as well as in the society. Bangladesh is talking like never before. The phenomenal growth of the telecom industry over the last two decades has considerable changed the way people interact. The impact is seen among all spheres of people in Bangladesh. But the most significant impact is seen among the young users of cell phone. Telecommunications allows better access to services that enhance a society’s health and wellbeing such as healthcare and social services. Amongst the many implications of research is that poor and rural populations benefit most from mobile telephony because they are least likely to have alternatives. In view of this, the cross subsidies in Bangladesh from mobile to fixed users, from the poor to the rich, are especially damaging. There are a number of ways that mobile services can promote cohesion in families and society. For example, a cheap mobile service allows families and communities to remain as a coherent unit when family members are away for long periods. In cases where a family member is abroad either temporarily or permanently it allows the family unit to remain intact as well as generating inbound international call revenues. Due to intense competition among the operators, every company is trying to provide cheap call rate which is benefiting the users. Young people are benefitting most in this regard since they lack income sources. A cheap mobile service keeps them in touch with families and relatives thus strengthening social bodings. But every coin has two faces. The telecommunication companies in our country have been inclined towards introducing new and alternative packages for young people like Djuice Bondhu by Grameenphone, Desh by Banglalink, Shorol by Robi and many more. The question arises why companies are so aggressively coming up with such packages without the social mobilization to check the mindset of youth. How they are facilitating their users by such packages which offer lower call rate at midnight. Except on very urgent occasions ordinarily no one would like to talk after midnight. In our youth segment the majority is student community that is spell bounded by these packages. They are losing their essence of their studies. They are derailing and deviating themselves. They are getting away for their goals, destinies and motives. Their minds are becoming stagnant and static. Creativity and innovation is blocked by the consistent telephonic conversations spread over the whole of night. They are losing their interest towards the interactions and sociality. Alienation is increasing within small community or groups of people. In home young hardly get time to spend with their parents. In one room of hostels all four members are strangers to one another. They never try to tie up the relation because they don’t have a pinch of time. By talking whole night with opposite sex, they are getting psychologically weak and pressured. There are more other physical disorders also experiencing by the youth due to spending the precious time which is needed for compulsory rest, relaxation, relief and mental health. Due to spending whole nights over phone the absenteeism is skyrocketing in every profession. They are going far and far away from the hold of families. They tell lies and have false communication with their parents thus seriously jeopardizing the social relationship. They are deceiving the decisions, trust and expectations of their parents. They are traveling towards the lone parent family system in which one is not accountable to anyone and he is the only decision maker. Suck kind of behavior is leading towards the social fragmentation and terrible decline of moral values in which respect is core one. Even their mental approach is revolving around sexual satisfaction. Other emotions and sentiments are pushed oblivion, they are forgetting that there are so many matters that need their kind attention. Which are making them socially challenged. The mobile companies have every right to work out innovative packages offering greater value of money to their customers. But they should not making profits by compromising on the interest of young generation. Youth spend a huge amount of money on mobile cellular services annually. Major amounts of their disposable income are going to the mobile telecom companies. In the name of competition companies are aggressively promoting their offerings without considering the welfare of the youth. Therefore, we all have to realize the worth and well being of our youth.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Tragedy of Mileva Maric Einstein - Einsteins First Wife Essay exa

The Tragedy of Mileva Maric Einstein - Einstein's First Wife A hundred years ago, a young married couple sat at a kitchen table talking over the items of the day while their young boy sat listening earnestly. He had heard the debate every night, and while there were no raised voices, their discussion was intense. It was a subject about which his parents were most passionate - the electrodynamics of moving bodies in the universe. The couple were of equal intelligence and fortitude, working together on a theory that few people can comprehend even to this day. Mileva Maric Einstein was considered to be the intellectual equal of her husband Albert, but somehow went unrecognized for her contributions to the 1905 Papers, which included the Special Theory of Relativity. The stronger force of these two bodies would be propelled into the archives of scientific history, while the other would be left to die alone, virtually unknown. Mrs. Einstein was robbed. She deserved to be recognized for at least a collaborative effort, but it was not to be. The role which society had accorded her and plain, bad luck would prove to be responsible for the life of this great mathematician and scientist, gone unnoticed. Mileva "was born in Hungary in 1875, with a hip deformity and a good mind" (Storey 31). Although women did not usually pursue science degrees, she had won top marks in her class for math and physics, and was sent on to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich the same year as Einstein (Grenier B05). She was one of five in their class; Mileva and Albert both specialized in theoretical physics. Mileva attended classes and took notes for both of them. They studied for every class together. When they were apart, they wrote co... ...he Women's Rights Movement. Pearson, Dan. Mrs. Einstein Takes the Stage. Science Review. 7 Nov. 2002. Same, William. A Beautiful Body. The Moscow Times. 29 March 2002. Sherman, Roger. Modem Physics Department, Smithsonian Institute. Personal interview.6 Nov. 2003. Specter, Michael. Know Einstein. The New Yorker. 25 Nov. 2002. Talk Section; 37. Storey, Celia. Einstein's Wife Depicts Genius as Mortal. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 21 Oct. 2003. Sec: Style;31. University of Alabama, Department of Physics and Astronomy, 4,000 Years of Women in Science. Dec. 2002 2 Nov. 2003 White, Michael and Gribbin, John. Einstein: A Life in Science. Editorial Review: Kirkus Review. 30 Oct. 2003

Monday, November 11, 2019

Recruitment Program

Sample generic health care provider recruitment plan It is imperative to have an all-encompassing recruitment policy for your organization. Sample recruitment policy: To develop a long-range recruitment plan; organize a recruiting schedule based upon the historical supply and demand for each major healthcare discipline; and implement the plan within the organization. A goal should be developed for each discipline (dentist, ancillary, hygienist, assistant). Sample goal: To recruit (number) dentists this year based on resignations, terminations, attrition or growth.Strategies, structure, and ongoing activities are important to the process. Sample strategies: To concentrate our efforts on health care professionals who are completing training programs, government obligations or military service. To anticipate the competition by contacting prospects early. To have a continuous, year-round schedule. Sample structure: The official recruiting cycle for program) will commence (Name of teachin g institution/ (Month and date) of each calendar year. All recruiting efforts within the institution will be coordinated through the human resources/personnel department/coordinator or his or her designed.The organization's recruitment committee will review the recruiting objectives no later than February 1 of each year. Sample of ongoing activities: Complete follow-up action with healthcare professionals who have interviewed. Schedule site visits for healthcare professionals from previous recruiting efforts. Obtain legal contracts for healthcare professionals who will commence practice. Recruitment committee will meet at least quarterly to review plan of action and develop strategies for implementation. Attend as many in-state health professional recruitment fairs as possible.Sample annual recruitment plan Quarterly Activities JANUARY – MARCH Survey active medical staff to determine: Provider needs/practices needing assistance Need for new practices in the community. Mail se cond recruitment letters to practicing dentists (first letter sent in October). Compile statistics from January medical staff survey. Prepare for initial provider/practice assessments. Complete follow-up action on providers who have completed site visits in December and January. Establish funding limits for calendar year from finance department. Prepare opportunity descriptions.Update printed recruitment materials. Identify residency programs and contact program directors/advisors. Identify recruitment conferences and exhibit possibilities. Meet with the provider recruitment committee to explain this year's campaign and their involvement (for example, interviews). Fine-tune the campaign with their input. Conduct initial provider/practice assessments to clarify provider recruitment needs in response to January medical staff survey. Mail second recruitment letter to next year's graduating students/professionals (first letter mailed in October). APRIL – JUNEBegin preparation for dental school marketing seminar (seminar about how to market practices and what to expect in recruiting). Meet with administrator to establish recruitment priorities. Send third recruitment letter to next year's graduating dental students. Semi-annual dental/provider manpower recruitment committee meeting. Assist newly recruited providers by facilitating their arrival and transition. JULY – SEPTEMBER Register a search with the DANNA and other placement services. Contact dentists in government service (National Health/Lillian Health Service Corps).Write other healthcare administrators in the region regarding a search for a healthcare provider for the community. Contact state licenser board for names of provider licensees and send letters to. Inform pharmaceutical and medical supply vendors of provider searches. Contact military installations in region for names of providers leaving service and ask about opportunities to communicate with them. Contact medical specialty associa tions to obtain information on meetings, publications and placement services. Identify provider recruitment opportunity fairs for the coming year.Dental school opportunity fair. Request dental school alumni affairs office to publicize opportunities. Post employment opportunities/vacancies with state health department, dental training programs and state primary-care associations. Obtain available provider computer lists for mailing to next year's graduating students. Visit dental training programs. Contact military dentists younger than 45 years. Send fourth recruiting letter to graduating students (in final year). Conduct consumer research to further identify need for dental providers.Write and place national urinal ads for November and December to target practicing dentists. OCTOBER – DECEMBER Continue dental provider training program visits. Meet with administrator to establish recruiting priorities for the coming calendar year and prepare for next month's provider recruitm ent committee meeting. Send letter of introduction to next year's graduating dental students (second letter to be sent in March). Contact academic dentists younger than 45 years. Mail letter to practicing dentists (second letter to be sent in January). Semi-annual provider recruitment committee meeting.Prepare medical staff survey to identify provider manpower needs and issues. Attachment 1 Graphic Summary of the Recruitment Process 1 . Preparation for recruitment 2. Prospects 3. Suspects 4. Applicants 5. Candidates 6. Finalists 7. Hired Develop health professional plan Identify new candidate Provide description of opportunity (sees) Provider sends C.V. In-depth phone interview Complete interviewing process Regular communication before start date Prepare practice assessment Targeted direct mail Determine interest/needs of providers C.V. screened according to criteria Prepare for site visitFinalize contract negotiations Professional orientation Determine role of current professional staff Display at professional assemblies Follow-up with requested information Candidate tracking & referral system Provide examination copy of contract Hospital privileges Determine salary and benefits Advertise Personal follow-up with candidate Develop in-house recruitment system Marketing introduction to professional sites Candidate tracking and referral system Develop promotional materials Direct contacts (cold calls) Reference & credential check Draft specimen contract Determine selection criteria

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Culture Clashes in Daisy Miller Essay

Throughout the world people have differing ideas on what is good and bad based on whatever culture one visits one is sure to find major differences. In the period that this story takes place the US is trying to find its own identity and establish their own traditions. In the Europeans perspectives the Americans were deviant people because their culture was out of the norm. Winterbourne is stunned and intrigued immediately once he meets Daisy. He growing up with a more European lifestyle finds Daisy’s flirtatious and outgoing attitude very abnormal yet refreshing. Many of the older women in society, especially his mother, find her to be cheap and very unlady like due to her lack of classy behavior compared their idea of a proper high society woman should behave like. The book Daisy Miller, illustrates the American lifestyle, compared to the proper etiquette of European social standards. The novel Daisy Miller is the story of a girl who is on vacation with her mother and little brother. Along the way she meets Winterbourne and whom he immediately notices that she is different than other girls he has met in the past. She gives off an aura of wanting to become independent and a free spirit. Which all of the other women look down upon because they find it very trashy and very improper, especially for someone of such a high status also. Daisy’s family is of high society and normally girls like Daisy are quiet and respectful, never is it heard of to approach a man to which she is not acquainted with. Therefore, the idea that Daisy is flirtatious and so headstrong and direct with Winterbourne is just shocking to everyone who hears of her. She makes a great impact on those around her and unfortunately most do not like her because she is different and American. Henry James was born in New York on April 15, 1843 and died February 28, 1916 of edema following a series of strokes in London( â€Å"Henry James† par 1). He was the son of Henry, a minister, and Mary (â€Å"Henry James† par 1). He immigrated to England in 1910 and was naturalized in 1915(â€Å"Henry James† par 1). Since he was born in the US he had a similar outlook on perhaps what he wrote about. He moved to London for the latter part of his life, which caused him to see the extreme difference in the European perspective. This is what the novel Daisy Miller is all about. The differences and the controversy that occurs when two different cultures clash together. James had a very successful career that always involved writing. He was a well-known literary critic and novelist. He was a writer for Nation and art critic for The Atlantic in 1866-1869(â€Å" Henry James par 2). He was a writer for the New York Tribune while living in Paris for a year. Surprisingly though he was also a volunteer among the displaced and wounded during World War I (â€Å" Henry James par 2). He received many prestigious awards throughout his life including the Order of Merit in 1915 and he was commemorated with the James memorial stone (â€Å" Henry James par 4). Henry James lived from 1843 to 1916, which is around the same time that he set the period in the novel Daisy Miller. James lived the majority of his life in the US and was raised with the American culture. For the latter years of his life he moved to London were most people were still living in an old-fashioned setting as opposed to Americans who were exploring and expanding from the European way. James having experienced life in both areas causes him to not give quite a clear suggestion on which culture he prefers, â€Å" In late Victorian eyes, Daisy was likely to be either wholly innocent or guilty; James, either all for her or against her†( Ohmann par 1). Due to this the reader is never told which culture James ends up supporting, â€Å" James began writing with one attitude towards his heroine and concluded with a second and different attitude toward her(Ohmann par 1). In the novel Daisy is often regarded as an outsider or an unwelcome intruder in society. Her outgoing and free spirit causes people, specifically Europeans, to look down on her because her behavior does not conform with the norms of that particular society. She stands out but at the same time she does not really care that people are talking about her and looking down on her with distaste. She puts it in the back of her mind and just tells her self that she will do whatever she wants and she will not let anybody tell her that she is not able to. She does not let the fact that she is a woman restrain her from achieving what she wants. Yet at the same time she maintains her dignity and pride while still acting like a woman to a certain extent. She balances the fine line through the book of the quiet proper woman and the wild American. She maintains the free spirit of an American girl, but traditionally she is still a woman who has escorts and fine extravagant dinner parties for young high society people. She revolutionizes the idea that it would be alright to loosen up on occasion, â€Å" her conduct is without blemish, according to the rural American standard, and she knows no other†(Howells par 2). However in the perspective of other people they regard her as a nuisance and someone who is a threat to society because she could soil and corrupt the minds of their young daughters: â€Å" Daisy exemplifies those young girls who have fine social gifts to be sure but whose cleverness is too much for them and if allowed any influence their folly runs away with them, like horses with the bits between their teeth†(Montiero par 4). She stands out and people around her do not appreciate her trying to be different because they do not want to accept change or different cultures. They are all used to the regular routine and tradition that the generations before them have set up and carried out for hundreds of years before them. They expected to continue with tradition for hundreds until they saw things were changing and were scared to approach it so they tried to shut it out. The novel Daisy Miller represents a major problem that is still controversial to this day. Still in the world cultures clash and people are sometimes offended at others. However no one can be blamed because its all about the society’s norms and values. Every society is different and what may be important not one may not necessarily be as important to some one else. Many cultures differ but fortunately they find a common ground to agree upon on the basic rules of society. They may not agree completely but they are willing to acknowledge that its true. Works cited Deakin, Motley F. â€Å"Daisy Miller, Tradition, and the European Heroine. † Comparative Literature Studies. 6. 1(Mar. 1969): 45-59 Rpt. in Literature Resource Center. Detroit: Gale. Farragut High School. 26 oct. 2009 < http://go. galegroup. com> â€Å"Henry James. † Contemporary Authors Online. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Farragut High. 22 Oct. 2009 < http://go. galegroup. com > Howells, William Dean. â€Å" Defense of Daisy Miller. † Discovery of a Genius: William Dean Howells and Henry James. Ed. Albert Mordell Twayne Publishers, 1961. 88-91. Rpt in Short Story Criticism. Ed. Thomas Votteler. Vol. 8. Detroit: gale Research, 1991. 88-91. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Farragut High School. 26 Oct. 2009 James, Henry. Daisy Miller. New York: Penguin Books,1995. Monteiro, George. â€Å"What’s in a Name? James’ Daisy Miller. † American Literary Realism. 39. 3 (Spring 2007): p. 252. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Farragut High School. 25 Oct. 2009 < http:// go. galegroup. com> Ohmann, Carol. â€Å" Daisy Miller: A study of Changing Intentions. † American Literature. 36. 1 (Mar. 1964):1-11 Rpt in Short Story Criticism. Ed. Anna J. Sheets. Vol. 32. Detroit: gale Group, 1999. 1-11. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Farragut High School. 22 Oct. 2009 < http://go. galegroup. com > Wardley,Lynn. â€Å"Reassembling Daisy Miller. † American Literary History. 3. 2(Summer 1991):232-254. Rpt in Short Story Criticism. Ed Anna J. Sheets. Vol. 32. Detroit: Gale Group,1999. 232-254. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Farragut High School. 23 Oct. 2009

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Swot Analysis of Bank Al-Falah Essays

Swot Analysis of Bank Al-Falah Essays Swot Analysis of Bank Al-Falah Essay Swot Analysis of Bank Al-Falah Essay SWOT Analysis of Bank Al-Falah Here we have applied this very useful technique to identifythe strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats ofBank Al-Falah. Strengths Strengths Strong Financial Position Strong Financial Position As we can see in the financial statements of the bank, the financial position of the organization is very sound and its profitability is in increasing. The Earning per sharehas been increased on a rate of about 50%, which is a verypositive sign. Highly Qualified Employees Highly Qualified Employees The bank has highly qualified and skilled workforceand it has succeeded to attract the best bankingprofessionals from across the country due to its growingpace and sound reputation. Conducive Environment Conducive Environment The management of the bank is very muchconcerned with the development of and improvement of theworking environment. The bank has state of the art andpurpose built branches where all the modern technologiesare provided to get the efficiency of the workforce and thecustomer satisfaction. Govt. Support and Encouragement Govt. Support and Encouragement As the owners of the bank belong to UAE and thetype of their investment in Pakistan is a foreign investment,the govt. is fully supporting the bank management due to itspolicy to maximize the foreign investment in the country, toget the economic prosperity. Fastest Growing Financial Institution Fastest Growing Financial Institution Due to its successful business policies and thestrong financial position the bank has achieved thereputation of fastest growing financial institution in thecountry. It has greatly increased the customers confidencein the bank Huge Expansion Plan Huge Expansion Plan Due to its strong financial position the bank has undergone a huge expansion plan to compete with the existing bank all over the country and with the passage of time the branch network is expanding at a very good pace. Young and Energetic Workforce Young and Energetic Workforce As the bank is a newer one in the country, the bankhas an advantage over its competitors because the majorityof its workforce is young and not very much over aged. Thus the bank is getting maximum out put from its youngand energetic workforce by spending comparatively less ontheir remunerations. Islamic Banking Division Islamic Banking Division The bank is one of the pioneers of the commercialbanks who have started the Islamic Banking along with theirconventional banking. The bank has a separate network ofits Islamic Banking Division which has 16 branches acrossthe country and this network is also expanding at a very good pace. Weaknesses Waiver of charges Waiver of charges Currently the middle management of bank Al-Falah is thebig reason for waiver of charges. Bank Al-Falah loosing alot of its income likes (Cheque book charge, online charges,statement charges, and other things) because ofmanagement. This is a weakness of bank Al-Falah. Inexperienced workforce Inexperienced workforce As the majority of the workforce consists of young professional, they lack in their experience. And sometimes ack of experience becomes a hurdle while serving to thecustomers. It is the point where they feel difficulty whilecompeting the other bank, which have a very experiencedworkforce. Over work Load on Employees Over work Load on Employees It was observed in the branch that as compared tohuge business the bank is dealing in, the no. of employeesis lesser and thus there is an increased workload on theemployees. Due to this the efficiency of the employees isreduced. Employees are not very much Employees are not very much Motivated Motivated As discussed before, the workload is high and theemployees, especially the credit department, have to dolate sittings to complete their tasks. On the other hand thebank has revised its salary increments policy to decreasethe increment rate, as a result a decreased motivation levelof employees is observed Opportunities Rapidly Growing Economy Rapidly Growing Economy At present the Pakistan’s Economy is growing on avery fast pace. The rapid growth of economy has resulted inthe increase in the growth rate of all economic sectorsespecially in the banking sector which is growing at afastest speed than ever and in future the growth is expectedto increase even a higher rate. Increased Interest Rates Increased Interest Rates The SBP has revised the interest policy and theinterest rates have been linked with the KIBOR rates. Dueto which the banks interest rate has been substantiallyincreased which will greatly increase the banks’ profitability. Mega Projects Financing Mega Projects Financing As the increase in overall business activity in thecountry, the investors are launching various types of MegaProjects especially in housing and textile the bank has agreat opportunity to finance these projects at very profitableterm. Huge Demand for Consumer Huge Demand for Consumer Financing Financing The increase in per capita income and overalleconomy has resulted into a great demand for theconsumer financing especially for home finance and carfinancing and it is said that this trend will increase more infuture. The bank can earn a lot by focusing on its consumerfinancing sections. Merger with UBL Merger with UBL After the privatization of United Bank Limited,  themanagement of the BAL has purchased the majority sharesof the UBL, and it is planning to merge these two banks. AsUBL is the second largest bank in the country, this mergercan make the bank the largest bank of the country. Growing Trend of Islamic Banking Growing Trend of Islamic Banking There is a very good growth trend in the Islamicbanking in the country and in the world as well. BAL has theadvantage of having full fledged Islamic Banking networkand the growth in this particular field can be very fruitful forthe bank. Spending Practices of Mass Spending Practices of Mass As the Pakistani’s are known for their extravagantpractices, and to fulfill their funds requirements they don’thesitate from getting loans from banks. Thus there is a verygood scope for the bank to run successful business in suchcircumstances.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, Stephen Marches article Is Facebook Essay

Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, Stephen Marches article Is Facebook Making Us Lonely, and Nicholas Carrs Is Google Making Us Stupid, - Essay Example The coupling of technology with social lives has resulted to a narrative with a stupid and lonely life ever after, ending. This is truly expressed in the works of numerous experts whose focus is in revealing the negative outcomes associated with technology. The works of these experts are Ray Bradbury’s â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†; Samuel Cohen’s â€Å"50 Essays: A Portable Anthology (Is Google Making us Stupid); and Mache’s â€Å"Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?† According to Marche (n.p) loneliness is promoted through modern day social media culture. Instead building and maintaining physical friendships, social media culture has promoted friendships founded on isolation and loneliness. Additionally, Bradbury reveals that allowing technology to replace all aspects of life will result to loss of intelligence. In his futuristic society, Bradbury reveals that the society is getting rid of common sense intelligence to submit to ignorance. However, for the curio us and anxious persons like Montag manages to see the beneficial side of not embracing ignorance but working with intelligence. Furthermore, from Cohen search engines have led to dramatic promotion of stupidity as people’s mind lose concentration and long for fast information to solve problems. Although there are tremendous benefits from technological advances, Ray Bradbury correctly predicted that technology would also have negative impact on human physical, intellectual and emotional health as if made evident by many experts today. Intellectually, technology is responsible for the continued experiences loss of intelligence. Based on the arguments by Bradbury, technology benefits are countered by the associated impact of loss of intellect and lose of contact with ordinary and important aspects of life. For instance, Montag could not remember being familiar with there being dew on grass in the morning â€Å"He suddenly could not remember if he had known

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Middle east geography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Middle east geography - Essay Example Although Islam is the largest religion in the Middle East, the region also represents other faiths such as Christianity and Judaism. Survey reports indicate that Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Berber, and Kurdish are the major languages in the Middle East. While analyzing the region’s population growth trends, it is clear that Middle East has experienced a dramatic rise in population since 1970s. To illustrate, statistical reports (as reported by The New York Times, 2007), indicate that the region’s population increased from 127 million in 1970 to 305 million in 2005. During the period between 1976 and 1986, Iran’s population grew by 50%. According to a World Bank report, an annual population growth rate of 1.73 was reported in Middle East in 2010 whereas this rate was 1.75 in 2009 (Trading Economics, 2012). In many parts of the Middle East, average population growth rate is 3% or above; this trend indicates that population is a given state is likely to double in every 20 to 30 years (Imagery for Citizens, n.d). It is observed that high rate of population growth in the Middle East has serious impacts on the region’s social, economical, and political landscape. As a result of this issue, the Middle East governments struggle to provide necessary services to their people. This region is already suffering from water scarcity issues, and the high population growth has exacerbated the issues over water. As per the The New York Times (2007) report, rising population growth contributes to the region’s mounting needs of food imports; and in an attempt to respond to issues over water and food and search for improved living conditions, rural inhabitants heavily migrate to urban areas. This practice raises many potential challenges to urban infrastructure too. Similarly, huge population growth puts strains on the region’s economic landscape. As discussed earlier, the rising population growth has forced Middle East